Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Software Assistant

Denice Fraser, Marketing Manager

Software Assistant was recently acquired by Thomson Reuters and an integration of the product and interface platform has taken place.

As part of this integration, Register Assistant company registrations are being managed through Cleardocs. Register Assistant customers were moved to Cleardocs and are now enjoying our document creation process.

Our ability to swiftly work through product and platform integrations such as this reinforces our focus to remain agile and relevant to small accounting practices.

In order to address user pain points or cloud-based solution trends, we continue to work with business partners and customers alike, in proactive and reactive ways.

Through our regular communications and contact with you, you may occasionally hear about the products and services Software Assistant has to offer tax and accounting practitioners. 

Please be assured that if we do share information on the solutions available through Software Assistant, we will only do so because we believe the information may be of interest to you. Any contact will only be made through unobtrusive means and you are able to opt-out of receiving emails on product updates at any time.

Should you require further information on Software Assistant please visit this web page.

+CleardocsThomson Reuters

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